Monday, 20 December 2010

The streets are ours...

Fishermen know fish. Butchers know sausages. So who better to ask what 2011 might hold musically than the people who spend all their waking hours among London’s hottest records?

We took to the streets (in the non-hooker sense, we’ll save that for after Christmas) to round up what London’s music mafia are rooting for in the year to come…

Kelly– Rough Trade East

Who's going to be big in 2011?
I really like my indie pop. There's a Swedish band called Museum of Bellas Artes who I think are going to be big, and there's a lot of good stuff coming out on Transparent. This year I've been working with a label in New York called Captured Tracks who are doing some interesting things. Grass Widow especially are really cool: a mixture of the dark, edgy pop that's big at the moment and the new indie wave. I also really like Becoming Real.

Where do you think music is heading in 2011?
I think there's going to be a real mix of dark and light. The nineties are coming back and I'd like to see some guitary brit pop making a resurgence. I'm also into the whole drag/witch house thing and I'd be quite interested to see where that genre heads next.

Any trends you hope get left behind in 2010?Shit X Factor pop.

What would you like to happen musically in 2011?
For my band The History of Apple Pie to release an album. Yuck recently put us on their blog after they heard our double release EP with Sweater Girls and since then it's gone a bit crazy. We've literally just got some management and we haven't even played a gig yet.

Doran from Weird Dreams – Beyond Retro

Who's going to be massive in 2011?
Not Cool, Colours and Mazes.

Any crazy collaborations you'd like to see?

I think it would be good if Smith Westerns played with Fresh and Onlys.

Joseph Pilgrim – loiterer on his way to get his haircut, Bethnal Green Road

Who are you excited about for 2011?
Wretch 32 for grime, although he's probably going to get more commercial and Wiz Khalifa for hip hop. “Black and yellow, black and yellow...”

What music genre don't you want to hear from again in 2011?
I'd be happy for drum 'n' bass to get left behind.

Rock Pete – Out on The Floor Records, Camden

Who's going to be big next year?
It's obvious the Vaccines are going to be. Harlem from the States are fantastic, they make what I call 'C 10' rather than 'C86'. The Bon Vivants are the best band from this area.

Any trends you predict for next year?
It becomes very hip to move to Peckham.

Matt – publicising his band Black Vox on the streets

Anyone you rate for next year?
I'm off to see a band called The Heartaches tonight. I reckon they're going to be huge.

What events are you looking forward to in 2011?I always look forward to the Camden Crawl. It's all about proper, local, unsigned music with bollocks.

What do you hope to see next year?
I'm hoping for something a bit more interesting than what's around at the moment. There was a really great period back in 2001 when the Strokes and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Bloc Party came out and those bands are still great, but since then it's all been a bit wishy washy. It's ten years on and I think we're due for a bit of a resurgence. I'd also like to see White Lies and the XX playing a huge stadium tour together.

Will – Jazz Cafe employee

What music are you going to be listening to in 2011?I've not had internet for the last few months so I've been in a bit of a musical bubble of my own, listening to '90s grindcore and jumped up Balkan stuff. I suppose that's the good thing about London; you don't have to follow a particular scene. I'm not that great on new bands to be honest. You should plug Shield Your Eyes though. They're from London and they sound kind of like Fugazi but a bit more math rock, if that makes any sense?

What's coming to the Jazz Café that we should be looking forward to?
Lee Scratch Perry will be awesome, Polar Bear who make nu-jazz are fucking incredible.

And anything else you want to happen musically next year?
There's a band called Irepress from the States who I'd love to see come over here and tour. They play an instrumental mix of post rock and metal, sort of like Explosions in The Sky.

Anonymous worker – HMV, Oxford Street

Who's going to be big next year?

Devlin is doing well, I think he'll go from strength to strength. Everyone's going crazy for Jessie J as well. I'd also look out for Franklin.

What scenes are going to be big?It's hard to say. A lot of scenes are merging together now, I think there's going to be a lot of fusion.

What music don't you want to hear again next year?
Nothing. As long as it sounds good to you, go ahead with it.

Can we have a picture?
No. My boss is lurking and I'll get in trouble for talking to you.

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